Changeset - 9b5a2fbcac2d
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0 6 0
Ethan Zonca - 9 years ago 2016-01-23 21:17:31
Rename conn to J3, highlight BOM items needing updates
6 files changed with 19 insertions and 19 deletions:
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Generated by EAGLE CAM Processor 7.5.0

Drill Station Info File: /home/ethanzonca/Projects/canable/CAM/canable.dri

 Date              : 23 Jan 2016 21:11:00
 Date              : 23 Jan 2016 21:16:33
 Drills            : generated
 Device            : Excellon drill station, coordinate format 2.4 inch

Parameter settings:

 Tolerance Drill + :  0.00 %
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Generated by EAGLE CAM Processor 7.5.0

Photoplotter Info File: /home/ethanzonca/Projects/canable/CAM/canable.gpi

 Date              : 23 Jan 2016 21:11:01
 Date              : 23 Jan 2016 21:16:34
 Plotfile          : /home/ethanzonca/Projects/canable/CAM/canable.GTL
 Apertures         : generated: 
 Device            : Gerber RS-274-X photoplotter, coordinate format 2.5 inch

Parameter settings:

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C  IPC-D-356 generated by EAGLE Version 7.5.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2015 CadSoft
C  Database /home/ethanzonca/Projects/canable/canable.brd -- Exported at 23 Jan 2016 21:08:53
C  Database /home/ethanzonca/Projects/canable/canable.brd -- Exported at 23 Jan 2016 21:16:44
P  JOB EAGLE 7.5 NETLIST, DATE: 23 Jan 2016 21:08:53
P  JOB EAGLE 7.5 NETLIST, DATE: 23 Jan 2016 21:16:44
3173.3V             VIA         D  15PA00X   3250Y   2438X 270Y 270             
3173.3V             VIA         D  15PA00X   1313Y   6750X 270Y 270             
3173.3V             VIA         D  15PA00X    500Y   5125X 270Y 270             
3173.3V             VIA         D  15PA00X   4688Y   6750X 270Y 270             
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ 327GND              J2    -GND        A0
327                 J2    -ID         A01X   3256Y   1106X 551Y 138R 90         
327GND              J2    -MT1        A01X   1425Y     63X 709Y 748R  0         
327GND              J2    -MT2        A01X   4575Y     63X 709Y 748R  0         
327                 J2    -P$1        A01X   2500Y     63X 748Y 748R  0         
327                 J2    -P$2        A01X   3500Y     63X 748Y 748R  0         
327V_BATT           J2    -VBUS       A01X   2488Y   1106X 551Y 138R 90         
317V_BATT           J3    -1    D  47PA00X    867Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317CANH             J3    -2    D  47PA00X   2385Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317CANL             J3    -3    D  47PA00X   3623Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317GND              J3    -4    D  47PA00X   5141Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317                 J4    -1    D  40PA00X   5200Y   8250X 740Y 740R180         
317N$3              J4    -2    D  40PA00X   5300Y   9250X 740Y 740R180         
317CANL             J4    -3    D  40PA00X   5200Y  10250X 740Y 740R180         
317V_BATT           JP1   -1    D  47PA00X    867Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317CANH             JP1   -2    D  47PA00X   2385Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317CANL             JP1   -3    D  47PA00X   3623Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
317GND              JP1   -4    D  47PA00X   5141Y  12750X 800Y 800R  0         
3173.3V             JP3   -1    D  40PA00X    700Y   8250X 740Y 740R180         
317BOOT0            JP3   -2    D  40PA00X    800Y   9250X 740Y 740R180         
317                 JP3   -3    D  40PA00X    700Y  10250X 740Y 740R180         
327N$23             LED1  -A          A01X   5500Y    783X 394Y 394R180         
327GND              LED1  -C          A01X   5500Y     92X 394Y 394R180         
327N$2              LED2  -A          A01X    500Y    783X 394Y 394R180         
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binary diff not shown
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@@ -1983,13 +1983,13 @@ design rules under a new name.</descript
<element name="C4" library="SparkFun-Passives" package="0603-CAP" value="0.1uF" x="2.54" y="18.415" rot="R180"/>
<element name="C6" library="SparkFun-Passives" package="0603-CAP" value="0.1uF" x="1.27" y="10.95375" rot="R270"/>
<element name="R4" library="SparkFun-Passives" package="0603-RES" value="" x="1.27" y="15.5575" rot="R90"/>
<element name="JP3" library="SparkFun-Connectors" package="1X03_LOCK" value="" x="1.905" y="20.955" rot="R90"/>
<element name="J4" library="SparkFun-Connectors" package="1X03_LOCK" value="" x="13.335" y="20.955" rot="R90"/>
<element name="U$3" library="Protofusion" package="CANABLE-0.2" value="" x="3.81" y="1.27" rot="MR90"/>
<element name="JP1" library="SparkFun-Connectors" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4_LOCK" value="" x="2.38125" y="32.385"/>
<element name="J3" library="SparkFun-Connectors" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4_LOCK" value="" x="2.38125" y="32.385"/>
<signal name="GND">
<contactref element="U2" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="J2" pad="GND"/>
<contactref element="J2" pad="MT1"/>
@@ -2025,13 +2025,13 @@ design rules under a new name.</descript
<via x="12.065" y="2.69875" extent="1-16" drill="0.381"/>
<via x="3.175" y="2.69875" extent="1-16" drill="0.381"/>
<via x="9.525" y="22.86" extent="1-16" drill="0.381"/>
<via x="2.2225" y="17.30375" extent="1-16" drill="0.381"/>
<wire x1="4.28625" y1="26.19375" x2="5.715" y2="26.19375" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="4"/>
<contactref element="J3" pad="4"/>
<signal name="3.3V">
<contactref element="U2" pad="5"/>
<contactref element="C7" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="U$1" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="U$1" pad="24"/>
@@ -2118,13 +2118,13 @@ design rules under a new name.</descript
<wire x1="4.60375" y1="23.01875" x2="4.28625" y2="23.33625" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="4.28625" y1="23.33625" x2="4.28625" y2="24.55" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="5.6874" y1="5.08" x2="3.43625" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="3.43625" y1="5.08" x2="3.33375" y2="5.1825" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="5.6849" y1="6.9825" x2="6.82875" y2="6.9825" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="6.82875" y1="6.9825" x2="6.985" y2="6.82625" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="J3" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="2.20345" y1="32.385" x2="8.255" y2="26.33345" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="26.33345" x2="8.255" y2="22.5425" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<signal name="D+">
<contactref element="J2" pad="D+"/>
<contactref element="U$1" pad="33"/>
@@ -2227,22 +2227,22 @@ design rules under a new name.</descript
<wire x1="6.985" y1="26.1112" x2="6.985" y2="31.45905" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="26.1112" x2="6.985" y2="24.765" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="24.765" x2="7.62" y2="24.13" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="11.1125" y1="22.7575" x2="11.1125" y2="23.8125" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="11.1125" y1="23.8125" x2="10.795" y2="24.13" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="24.13" x2="7.62" y2="24.13" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="J3" pad="2"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="31.45905" x2="6.05905" y2="32.385" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<signal name="CANL">
<contactref element="U3" pad="6"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="26.1112" x2="8.255" y2="28.575" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="10.668" y1="28.575" x2="8.255" y2="28.575" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="J4" pad="3"/>
<wire x1="10.668" y1="28.575" x2="13.208" y2="26.035" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="3"/>
<contactref element="J3" pad="3"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="28.575" x2="8.255" y2="31.43655" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="31.43655" x2="9.20345" y2="32.385" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<signal name="N$3">
<contactref element="R3" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="J4" pad="2"/>
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@@ -3753,13 +3753,13 @@ You are welcome to use this library for 
<part name="GND10" library="SparkFun-Aesthetics" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
<part name="GND11" library="SparkFun-Aesthetics" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
<part name="R4" library="SparkFun-Passives" deviceset="RESISTOR" device="0603-RES"/>
<part name="JP3" library="SparkFun-Connectors" deviceset="M03" device="LOCK"/>
<part name="SUPPLY8" library="SparkFun-Aesthetics" deviceset="3.3V" device=""/>
<part name="J4" library="SparkFun-Connectors" deviceset="M03" device="LOCK"/>
<part name="JP1" library="SparkFun-Connectors" deviceset="M04" device="SCREW_LOCK"/>
<part name="J3" library="SparkFun-Connectors" deviceset="M04" device="SCREW_LOCK"/>
<part name="SUPPLY7" library="SparkFun-Aesthetics" deviceset="V_BATT" device=""/>
<text x="98.552" y="57.912" size="5.08" layer="113">Power Supply</text>
@@ -3817,13 +3817,13 @@ ease of routing</text>
<instance part="GND10" gate="1" x="58.42" y="137.16"/>
<instance part="GND11" gate="1" x="50.8" y="121.92"/>
<instance part="R4" gate="G$1" x="58.42" y="124.46"/>
<instance part="JP3" gate="G$1" x="259.08" y="134.62" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="SUPPLY8" gate="G$1" x="243.84" y="139.7"/>
<instance part="J4" gate="G$1" x="259.08" y="160.02" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="JP1" gate="G$1" x="256.54" y="93.98" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="J3" gate="G$1" x="256.54" y="93.98" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="SUPPLY7" gate="G$1" x="248.92" y="99.06"/>
<net name="GND" class="0">
@@ -3888,13 +3888,13 @@ ease of routing</text>
<junction x="190.5" y="83.82"/>
<wire x1="251.46" y1="88.9" x2="248.92" y2="88.9" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="248.92" y1="88.9" x2="248.92" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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<wire x1="241.3" y1="96.52" x2="241.3" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="GND6" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
@@ -4019,13 +4019,13 @@ ease of routing</text>
<wire x1="180.34" y1="93.98" x2="180.34" y2="96.52" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="180.34" y1="96.52" x2="187.96" y2="96.52" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<junction x="187.96" y="96.52"/>
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<pinref part="JP1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<pinref part="J3" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<pinref part="SUPPLY7" gate="G$1" pin="V_BATT"/>
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<wire x1="248.92" y1="96.52" x2="248.92" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="D+" class="0">
@@ -4140,26 +4140,26 @@ ease of routing</text>
<net name="CANH" class="0">
<pinref part="U3" gate="MCP2551" pin="CANH"/>
<wire x1="236.22" y1="93.98" x2="251.46" y2="93.98" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="243.84" y="93.98" size="1.27" layer="95"/>
<pinref part="JP1" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
<pinref part="J3" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
<pinref part="R3" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<wire x1="236.22" y1="160.02" x2="233.68" y2="160.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="233.68" y="160.02" size="1.27" layer="95" rot="R180" xref="yes"/>
<net name="CANL" class="0">
<pinref part="U3" gate="MCP2551" pin="CANL"/>
<wire x1="236.22" y1="91.44" x2="251.46" y2="91.44" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="243.84" y="91.44" size="1.27" layer="95"/>
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<label x="233.68" y="157.48" size="1.27" layer="95" rot="R180" xref="yes"/>
<pinref part="J4" gate="G$1" pin="3"/>
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