@ 297213e62b1d
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Location: therm/stm32l1xx_conf.h - annotation
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Somehow temp is working
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#define __STM32L1xx_CONF_H
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Uncomment/Comment the line below to enable/disable peripheral header file inclusion */
#include "stm32l1xx_adc.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_aes.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_comp.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_crc.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_dac.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_dbgmcu.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_dma.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_exti.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_flash.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_fsmc.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_gpio.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_i2c.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_iwdg.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_lcd.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_opamp.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_pwr.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_rcc.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_rtc.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_sdio.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_spi.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_syscfg.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_tim.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_usart.h"
#include "stm32l1xx_wwdg.h"
#include "misc.h" /* High level functions for NVIC and SysTick (add-on to CMSIS functions) */
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
Standard Peripheral Library drivers code */
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
* @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function which reports
* the name of the source file and the source line number of the call
* that failed. If expr is true, it returns no value.
* @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
#define assert_param(expr) ((void)0)
#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
#endif /* __STM32L1xx_CONF_H */