Changeset - b41e2aea6dd8
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matthewreed - 8 years ago 2015-12-23 20:45:16

Added correct temperature conversions to RTD version
2 files changed with 38 insertions and 19 deletions:
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@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ static uint8_t sw_right_last = 0;
// States
static uint8_t trigger_drawsetpoint = 1;
static int16_t last_temp = 21245;
static int16_t last_state = STATE_IDLE;
static uint8_t goto_mode = MODE_HEAT;
static uint8_t reset_mode = RESET_REBOOT;

@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ static uint8_t reset_mode = RESET_REBOOT
// Display state machine
void display_process(therm_settings_t* set, therm_status_t* status)
    uint8_t last_state = status->state;
    uint8_t state_changed = status->state != last_state;
    last_state = status->state;
    uint8_t temp_changed = status->temp != last_temp;
    last_temp = status->temp;
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ void display_process(therm_settings_t* s
            ssd1306_drawstring("therm :: idle ", 0, 40);
            status->pid_enabled = 0;

            if(temp_changed) {
            if(temp_changed || state_changed) {
                char tempstr[6];
                itoa_fp(status->temp, status->temp_frac, tempstr);
                ssd1306_drawstring("Temp: ", 3, 40);
@@ -61,7 +63,9 @@ void display_process(therm_settings_t* s
                ssd1306_drawstring(tempstr, 3, 72);

            if (state_changed) {

            switch(goto_mode) {

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@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ void max31865_readtemp(SPI_HandleTypeDef
        // 2-wire RTC or 2-wire (duh) NTC thermistor will be the only options
        // Need option for resistance of RTD
        // These options should be stored in the set structure and should be menu-selectable
    // TODO: Read RTD msbs (0x01)
    // TODO: Read RTD LSBs (0x02)

    // Assert CS
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 0);
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ void max31865_readtemp(SPI_HandleTypeDef
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 1);

    // Assemble data array into one var
    uint16_t temp_pre = (rxdatah[0]<<8) | rxdatal[0];
    uint16_t adc_count = ((rxdatah[0] & 0x7F) << 8) | rxdatal[0];
    if((rxdatah[0] & 0x80) && !set->val.ignore_error) {

@@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ void max31865_readtemp(SPI_HandleTypeDef

        uint8_t reg = MAX31865_REG_FAULTSTATUS;

        uint8_t data[1] = {0x11};
        uint8_t data[1] = {0x00};

        HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi1, &reg, 1, 100);
        HAL_SPI_Receive(hspi1, data, 1, 100);
@@ -108,31 +106,48 @@ void max31865_readtemp(SPI_HandleTypeDef
        // Convert to decimal
        //temp_pre = temp_pre >> 1;
        uint16_t adc_count = temp_pre & 0x7FFF; //do some scaling?

        // Convert to Fahrenheit
        if(set->val.temp_units == TEMP_UNITS_FAHRENHEIT)
            status->temp = adc_count;
            //convert to fahrenheit
        	//use all fixed point math!

        	//convert adc to resistance
        	//Rrtd = adc / range * Rref
        	status->temp = adc_count * 9830 * 10;
        	status->temp /= 32768;
        	//resistance to temp
        	//(x - in1) * (cal2 - cal1) / (in2 - in1) + cal1
        	status->temp = ((status->temp * 100) - 100000) * (39200 - 3200) / (175860 - 100000) + 3200;
        	//grab the fraction
        	status->temp_frac = (status->temp / 10) % 10;
        	//scale back to degrees
        	status->temp = status->temp / 100;
        	//add in the offset
            status->temp += set->val.temp_offset;

        // Use Celsius values
        // Convert to Celsius
            //convert to celsius
            int32_t temp = (((int32_t) adc_count) / 32) - 256;
            status->temp = temp;
        	//use all fixed point math!

        	//convert adc to resistance
        	//Rrtd = adc / range * Rref
        	status->temp = adc_count * 9830 * 10;
        	status->temp /= 32768;
        	//resistance to temp
        	//(x - in1) * (cal2 - cal1) / (in2 - in1) + cal1
        	status->temp = ((status->temp * 10) - 10000) * (20000 - 0) / (17586 - 10000) + 0;
        	//grab the fraction
        	status->temp_frac = (status->temp / 10) % 10;
        	//scale back to degrees
        	status->temp = status->temp / 100;
        	//add in the offset
            status->temp += set->val.temp_offset;





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