CMSIS-SVD  Version 1.10
CMSIS System View Description
Peripherals Level

All peripherals of a device are enclosed within the tag <peripherals>. At least one peripheral has to be defined. Each peripheral is enclosed in the tag <peripheral>.

The memory map does not contain any information about RAM, ROM, or FLASH memory.

    <peripheral derivedFrom=identifierType>
         <!-- registerPropertiesGroup -->
         <!-- end of registerPropertiesGroup -->

Attribute Name Description Type Occurrence
derivedFrom Specifies the name of a peripheral from which this peripheral will be derived. Values are inherit. Elements specified underneath will override inherited values. xs:Name 0..1
Element Name Description Type Occurrence
name The name string is used to identify the peripheral. Peripheral names are required to be unique for a device. The name needs to be an ANSI C identifier to allow header file generation. xs:Name 1..1
version The string specifies the version of this peripheral description. xs:string 0..1
description The string provides an overview of the purpose and functionality of the peripheral. xs:string 0..1
groupName xs:string 0..1
prependToName All register names of this peripheral have their names prefixed with this string. xs:string 0..1
appendToName All register names of this peripheral have their names suffixed with this string. xs:string 0..1
disableCondition Is a C-language compliant logical expression returning a TRUE or FALSE result. If TRUE, refreshing the display for this peripheral is disabled and related accesses by the debugger are suppressed.

Only constants and references to other registers contained in the description are allowed: <peripheral>-><register>-><field>, for example, (System->ClockControl->apbEnable == 0). The following operators are allowed in the expression [&&,||, ==, !=, >>, <<, &, |].
Use this feature only in cases where accesses from the debugger to registers of un-clocked peripherals result in severe debugging failures. SVD is intended to provide static information and does not include any run-time computation or functions. Such capabilities can be added by the tools, and is beyond the scope of this description language.
xs:string 0..1
baseAddress Lowest address reserved or used by the peripheral. scaledNonNegativeInteger 1..1
See registerPropertiesGroup for details.
size Defines the default bit-width of any register contained in the device (implicit inheritance). scaledNonNegativeInteger 0..1
access Defines the default access rights for all registers. accessType 0..1
resetValue Defines the default value for all registers at RESET. scaledNonNegativeInteger 0..1
resetMask Identifies which register bits have a defined reset value. scaledNonNegativeInteger 0..1
addressBlock Specifies an address range uniquely mapped to this peripheral. A peripheral must have at least one address block, but may allocate multiple distinct address ranges. If a peripheral is derived form another peripheral, the addressBlock is not mandatory. addressBlockType 1..*
offset Specifies the start address of an address block relative to the peripheral baseAddress. scaledNonNegativeInteger 1..1
size Specifies the number of addressUnitBits being covered by this address block. The end address of an address block results from the sum of baseAddress, offset, and (size - 1). scaledNonNegativeInteger 1..1
usage The following predefined values can be used: registers, buffer, or reserved. scaledNonNegativeInteger 1..1
interrupt A peripheral can have multiple associated interrupts. This entry allows the debugger to show interrupt names instead of interrupt numbers. interruptType 0..*
name The string represents the interrupt name. XS:string 1..1
value Is the enumeration index value associated to the interrupt. xs:integer 1..1
registers See Registers Level for details.   0..1


<description>Timer 0 is a simple 16 bit timer counting down ... </description>
<peripheral derivedFrom="Timer0">