Changeset - 6d43230d5986
[Not reviewed]
tip rtd
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matthewreed - 6 years ago 2018-11-25 21:08:06

Untested changes for RTDs
3 files changed with 30 insertions and 14 deletions:
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#include "display.h"


// Private function prototypes
static void draw_setpoint(therm_status_t* status);


// Button transition variables
static uint8_t sw_btn_last = 0;
static uint8_t sw_up_last = 0;
static uint8_t sw_down_last = 0;
static uint8_t sw_left_last = 0;
static uint8_t sw_right_last = 0;


// Buttonpress macros
#define SW_BTN_PRESSED (sw_btn_last == 0 && sw_btn == 1) // rising edge on buttonpress
#define SW_UP_PRESSED (sw_up_last == 0 && sw_up == 1)
#define SW_DOWN_PRESSED (sw_down_last == 0 && sw_down == 1)
#define SW_LEFT_PRESSED (sw_left_last == 0 && sw_left == 1)
#define SW_RIGHT_PRESSED (sw_right_last == 0 && sw_right == 1)


// States
static uint8_t trigger_drawsetpoint = 1;
static int16_t last_temp = 21245;
static int16_t last_temp_frac = 21245;
static int16_t last_state = STATE_IDLE;
static int16_t last_state = STATE_RESET;
static uint8_t goto_mode = MODE_HEAT;
static uint8_t reset_mode = RESET_REBOOT;



// Display state machine
void display_process(therm_settings_t* set, therm_status_t* status)
    uint8_t state_changed = status->state != last_state;
    last_state = status->state;
    uint8_t temp_changed = status->temp != last_temp || status->temp_frac != last_temp_frac;
    last_temp = status->temp;
    last_temp_frac = status->temp_frac;

    uint8_t sw_btn = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SW_BTN);
    uint8_t sw_up = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SW_UP);
    uint8_t sw_down = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SW_DOWN);
    uint8_t sw_left = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SW_LEFT);
    uint8_t sw_right = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SW_RIGHT);

        // Idle state
        case STATE_IDLE:
            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm :: idle ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("therm :: idle ", 0, 40);
            status->pid_enabled = 0;

            if(temp_changed || state_changed) {
                char tempstr[6];
                itoa_fp(status->temp, status->temp_frac, tempstr);
                ssd1306_drawstring("Temp: ", 3, 40);
                ssd1306_drawstring("    ", 3, 72);
                ssd1306_drawstring(tempstr, 3, 72);

            if (state_changed) {

            switch(goto_mode) {

                case MODE_HEAT:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> heat     ", 1, 40);
                } break;

                case MODE_SETUP:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> setup    ", 1, 40);
                } break;

                case MODE_RESET:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> reset    ", 1, 40);
                } break;

                case MODE_BOOTLOADER:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> dfu      ", 1, 40);

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                switch(goto_mode) {
                    case MODE_HEAT:
                        status->state = STATE_PREHEAT;
                    case MODE_SETUP:
                        status->state = STATE_SETP;
                    case MODE_RESET:
                        status->state = STATE_RESET;
                        reset_mode = RESET_REBOOT;
                    case MODE_BOOTLOADER:
                        ssd1306_drawstring("Bootloader Entered", 0, 0);
                        ssd1306_drawstring("Device won't boot", 2, 0);
                        ssd1306_drawstring("until reflashed!", 3, 0);
                        bootloader_enter(); // Resets into bootloader
                        status->state = STATE_RESET; // Just in case
                        status->state = STATE_PREHEAT;
            else if(SW_DOWN_PRESSED && goto_mode < (MODE_SIZE - 1)) {
@@ -316,202 +316,215 @@ void display_process(therm_settings_t* s


            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm :: set temp offset ]
            // [ g = 12         ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("Temp Cal Offset", 0, 40);

            char tempstr[6];
            itoa(set->val.temp_offset, tempstr, 10);
            ssd1306_drawstring("O=", 1, 45);
            ssd1306_drawstring("    ", 1, 57);
            ssd1306_drawstring(tempstr, 1, 57);

            ssd1306_drawstring("Press to accept", 3, 40);

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                status->state = STATE_IDLE;
            else {

            // Event Handler
            // N/A
        } break;


        case STATE_PREHEAT:
            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm : preheating brew ]
            // [ 30 => 120 C             ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("Preheating...", 0, 0);

            status->pid_enabled = 1;
            status->setpoint = set->val.setpoint_brew;

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                status->state = STATE_IDLE;
            else {

            // Event Handler
            if(status->temp >= status->setpoint) {
                status->state = STATE_MAINTAIN;
        } break;

        case STATE_MAINTAIN:
            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm : ready to brew ]
            // [ 30 => 120 C           ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("Preheated!", 0, 0);
            status->pid_enabled = 1;
            status->setpoint = set->val.setpoint_brew;

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                status->state = STATE_IDLE;
            else {

            // Event Handler
            // N/A
        } break;

        // Thermocouple error
        case STATE_TC_ERROR:
            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm : ready to steam ]
            // [ 30 => 120 C            ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("Error:              ", 0, 0);

            char tempstr[6];
            itoa(status->error_code, tempstr, 10);
            ssd1306_drawstring(tempstr, 0, 57);

            //TODO: add RTD error codes

			#ifdef MAX31865_RTD_SENSOR
            // RTD error codes
            if(status->error_code & 0b00000100)
                ssd1306_drawstring(" RTD Over/Undervolt", 1, 0);
            else if(status->error_code & 0b00001000)
                ssd1306_drawstring("    RTD FORCE- Open", 1, 0);
            else if(status->error_code & 0b00010000)
                ssd1306_drawstring("RTD REF FORCE- Open", 1, 0);
            else if(status->error_code & 0b00100000)
                ssd1306_drawstring("    RTD REFIN- High", 1, 0);
                ssd1306_drawstring("#?, Unknown Error", 1, 0);
            // TC error codes
            if(status->error_code == 1)
                ssd1306_drawstring("    TC Open Circuit", 1, 0);
            else if(status->error_code == 4)
                ssd1306_drawstring("    TC Short to GND", 1, 0);
            else if(status->error_code == 8)
                ssd1306_drawstring("    TC Short to VCC", 1, 0);
                ssd1306_drawstring("#?, Unknown Error", 1, 0);
            ssd1306_drawstring("                    ", 2, 0);

            ssd1306_drawstring("-> to ignore all or", 2, 0);
            ssd1306_drawstring("press to continue", 3, 0);

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                status->state = STATE_IDLE;
				#ifdef MAX31865_RTD_SENSOR
            else if(SW_RIGHT_PRESSED) {
                set->val.ignore_error = 1;
                status->state = STATE_IDLE;
            // Event Handler
            // Maybe handle if TC is plugged in
            // N/A
        } break;


        // Reset state
        case STATE_RESET:
            // Write text to OLED
            // [ therm :: reset ]
            ssd1306_drawstring("therm :: reset ", 0, 40);
            status->pid_enabled = 0;


            switch(reset_mode) {
					ssd1306_drawstring("-> defaults   ", 1, 40);
				} break;
                case RESET_BOOTLOADER:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> bootloader ", 1, 40);
                } break;
                case RESET_REBOOT:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> reboot     ", 1, 40);
                } break;
                case RESET_EXIT:
                    ssd1306_drawstring("-> exit       ", 1, 40);
                } break;

            // Button handler
            if(SW_BTN_PRESSED) {
                switch(reset_mode) {
                    case RESET_BOOTLOADER:
                        ssd1306_drawstring("Bootloader Entered", 0, 0);
                        ssd1306_drawstring("Device won't boot", 2, 0);
                        ssd1306_drawstring("until reflashed!", 3, 0);
                        bootloader_enter(); // Resets into bootloader
                        status->state = STATE_RESET; // Just in case
                    } break;
                    case RESET_DEFAULTS:
                        status->state = STATE_RESET;
                    } break;
                    case RESET_REBOOT:
                        status->state = STATE_RESET;
                    } break;
                    case RESET_EXIT:
                        status->state = STATE_IDLE;
                    } break;
            else if(SW_DOWN_PRESSED && reset_mode < (RESET_SIZE-1)) {
            else if(SW_UP_PRESSED && reset_mode > 0) {


            // Event Handler
            // N/A

        } break;

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#include "max31855.h"


// Registers
#define MAX31865_REG_CONFIG 0x00
#define MAX31865_REG_RTD_MSB 0x01
#define MAX31865_REG_RTD_LSB 0x02
#define MAX31865_REG_HFAULT_THRESH_MSB 0x03
#define MAX31865_REG_HFAULT_THRESH_LSB 0x04
#define MAX31865_REG_LFAULT_THRESH_MSB 0x05
#define MAX31865_REG_LFAULT_THRESH_LSB 0x06
#define MAX31865_REG_FAULTSTATUS 0x07

#define MAX31865_REG_WRITE_MODIFIER 0x80

// Fields 
#define MAX31865_CONF_VBIAS (1<<7)
#define MAX31865_CONF_AUTO_CONVERT (1<<6)
#define MAX31865_CONF_1SHOT (1<<5)
#define MAX31865_CONF_3WIRE (1<<4)

#define MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_NOACTION    0b0000
#define MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_AUTODELAY   0b0100
#define MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_MANUALELAY1 0b1000
#define MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_MANUALELAY2 0b1100

#define MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_CLEAR (1<<1)
#define MAX31865_CONF_50_60HZ_FILTER (1<<0)

void max31865_config(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi1)
    uint8_t config = 0x00;
    config |= MAX31865_CONF_VBIAS;
    config |= MAX31865_CONF_AUTO_CONVERT;
    config |= MAX31865_CONF_FAULT_CLEAR;
    uint8_t reg = (MAX31865_REG_WRITE_MODIFIER | MAX31865_REG_CONFIG);
    // Assert CS
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 0);
    HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi1, &reg, 1, 100);
    HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi1, &config, 1, 100);
    // Release CS
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 1);

void max31865_clear_errors(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi1) {

// Grab temperature reading from MAX31865
void max31865_readtemp(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi1, therm_settings_t* set, therm_status_t* status)

    // TODO: Set RTD ref resistance in set struct

    // Assert CS
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 0);
    uint8_t regh = MAX31865_REG_RTD_MSB;
    uint8_t rxdatah[1] = {0x00};
    uint8_t rxdatal[1] = {0x00};

    HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi1, &regh, 1, 100);
    HAL_SPI_Receive(hspi1, rxdatah, 1, 100);
    HAL_SPI_Receive(hspi1, rxdatal, 1, 100);

    // Release CS
    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 1);

    // Assemble data array into one var
    uint16_t adc_count = ((rxdatah[0] & 0x7F) << 8) | rxdatal[0];
    if((rxdatah[0] & 0x80) && !set->val.ignore_error) {

        // Assert CS
        HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 0);

        uint8_t reg = MAX31865_REG_FAULTSTATUS;

        uint8_t data[1] = {0x00};

        HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi1, &reg, 1, 100);
        HAL_SPI_Receive(hspi1, data, 1, 100);

        // Release CS
        HAL_GPIO_WritePin(MAX_CS, 1);

        status->error_code = data[0];

        HAL_Delay(400); // FIXME: remove?
        status->state_resume = status->state;
        status->state = STATE_TC_ERROR;
        status->temp = 0;
        status->temp_frac = 0;
        // check to see if it's an error we care about
        if(data[0] & 0b00111100) {
			status->error_code = data[0];
			status->state_resume = status->state;
			status->state = STATE_TC_ERROR;
			status->temp = 0;
			status->temp_frac = 0;
        else {
        // Convert to Fahrenheit
        if(set->val.temp_units == TEMP_UNITS_FAHRENHEIT)
        	//use all fixed point math!

        	//convert adc to resistance
        	//Rrtd = adc / range * Rref
        	status->temp = (int32_t) adc_count * 48600L;
        	status->temp = (int32_t) adc_count * 40200L;
        	status->temp /= 32768L;
        	//resistance to temp
        	//(x - in1) * (cal2 - cal1) / (in2 - in1) + cal1
        	status->temp = ((status->temp) - 10000L) * (39200L - 3200L) / (17586L - 10000L) + 3200L;
        	//grab the fraction
        	status->temp_frac = (status->temp / 10) % 10L;
        	//scale back to degrees
        	status->temp = status->temp / 100L;
        	//add in the offset
            status->temp += set->val.temp_offset;

        // Convert to Celsius
        	//use all fixed point math!

        	//convert adc to resistance
        	//Rrtd = adc / range * Rref
        	status->temp = (int32_t) adc_count * 48600L;
        	status->temp = (int32_t) adc_count * 40200L;
        	status->temp /= 32768L;
        	//resistance to temp
        	//(x - in1) * (cal2 - cal1) / (in2 - in1) + cal1
        	status->temp = (((status->temp) - 10000L) * (20000L- 0L)) / (17586L - 10000L) + 0L;
        	//grab the fraction
        	status->temp_frac = (status->temp / 10) % 100L;
        	//scale back to degrees
        	status->temp = status->temp / 100L;
        	//add in the offset
            status->temp += set->val.temp_offset;



// vim:softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab 
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#include "pid.h"

// PID implementation

void pid_init(pid_state_t* state)
	state->i_state = 0;
	state->last_pid_temp = 0;
	state->last_pid_temp_frac = 0;

int16_t pid_update(therm_settings_t* set, therm_status_t* status, pid_state_t *state)

  // Convert temperature to fixed point number with 1/10th resolution
  int8_t temp_frac = status->temp_frac > 9 ? status->temp_frac / 10 : status->temp_frac;
  temp_frac = status->temp > 0 ? temp_frac : temp_frac * -1;
  int32_t temp = (status->temp * 10) + temp_frac;

  // Calculate instantaneous error
  int16_t error = status->setpoint * 10 - temp; // TODO: Use fixed point fraction
  int16_t error = status->setpoint * 10 - temp;

  // Proportional component
  int32_t p_term = set->val.k_p * error;

  // Error accumulator (integrator)
  state->i_state += error;

  // to prevent the iTerm getting huge from lots of 
  //  error, we use a "windup guard" 
  // (this happens when the machine is first turned on and
  // it cant help be cold despite its best efforts)
  // not necessary, but this makes windup guard values 
  // relative to the current iGain
  int32_t windup_guard_res = (set->val.windup_guard * 10) / set->val.k_i;

  // Calculate integral term with windup guard 
  if (state->i_state > windup_guard_res)
	  state->i_state = windup_guard_res;
  else if (state->i_state < -windup_guard_res)
	  state->i_state = -windup_guard_res;

  int32_t i_term = set->val.k_i * state->i_state;

  // Calculate differential term (slope since last iteration)
  int32_t d_term = (set->val.k_d * (temp - state->last_pid_temp));

  // Save temperature for next iteration
  state->last_pid_temp = temp;

  int16_t result = (p_term + i_term - d_term) / 10;

  // Put out tenths of percent, 0-1000. 
  if(result > 1000)
    result = 1000;
  else if(result < -1000)
    result = -1000;

  // Return feedback
  return result;


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