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Location: therm/libraries/oleddrv/DrawText.c

Ethan Zonca
Remove dox folder
* File Name          : DrawText.c
* Author             : lxyppc
* Version            : V1.0
* Date               : 10-01-21
* Description        : Text output implemention file

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "DrawText.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "SSD1303.h"

/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
Pos_t  DrawChar(Device* pDev, Pos_t x, Pos_t y, char ch);

* Function Name  : TextOut
* Description    : Output a text at specify position
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
*                  char*            text
*                  Size_t           text length
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
Pos_t  TextOut(Device* pDev, Pos_t x, Pos_t y, const char* text, Size_t len)
  while(*text && len){
    x += DrawChar(pDev,x,y,*text);
  return x;

* Function Name  : HightLightArea
* Description    : Hight Light the specify Area
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
                   Pos_t            width
*                  Pos_t            length
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
unsigned long HightLightArea(
  Pos_t x,
  Pos_t y,
  Pos_t cx,
  Pos_t cy)
  return SSD1303_DrawBlock(x,y,cx,cy,0);

* Function Name  : TextOut_HighLight
* Description    : Output a text at specify position, then hight them
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
*                  char*            text
*                  Size_t           text length
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
unsigned long  TextOut_HighLight(
  Device* pDev,
  Pos_t x,
  Pos_t y,
  const char* text,
  Size_t len)
  Pos_t res = TextOut(pDev, x, y, text, len);
  return res;

* Function Name  : SpecTextOut_HighLight
* Description    : Output a specify text at specify position then high light them
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
*                  const FontData*  text dotmatrix data
*                  Size_t           text length
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
unsigned long SpecTextOut_HighLight(
  Device* pDev,
  Pos_t x,
  Pos_t y,
  const pfnFontDrawChar pfnFont,
  Size_t len)
  Pos_t res = SpecTextOut(pDev, x, y, pfnFont, len);
  return res;

* Function Name  : SpecTextOut
* Description    : Output a specify text at specify position
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
*                  const FontData*  text dotmatrix data
*                  Size_t           text length
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
Pos_t SpecTextOut(Device* pDev, Pos_t x, Pos_t y,const pfnFontDrawChar pfnFont, Size_t len)
  pfnFontDrawChar old = pDev->pfnFont;
  pDev->pfnFont = pfnFont;
  for(unsigned long i=0;i<len;i++){
    x += DrawChar(pDev,x,y,i);
  pDev->pfnFont = old;
  return x;

* Function Name  : DrawChar
* Description    : Output a character at specify position
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
*                  char             character
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
Pos_t  DrawChar(Device* pDev, Pos_t x, Pos_t y, char ch)
  return pDev->pfnFont(pDev->pDevProp->pfnDrawBlok,x,y,(unsigned char)ch);
  //FontData ft = &pDev->font[ch];
  //return ft->width;

* Function Name  : InitialDevice
* Description    : Initialize the device strcture
* Input          : const DeviceProp*  device properties
*                  const FontData*    font
* Output         : Device*          device pointer
* Return         : End x position for the last character
void  InitialDevice(Device* pDev, const DeviceProp* pDevProp, pfnFontDrawChar pfnFont)
  pDev->pDevProp = pDevProp;
  pDev->pfnFont = pfnFont;
  pDev->curX = 0;
  pDev->curY = 0;

* Function Name  : SetPoint
* Description    : Draw a point at specify position
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
unsigned long SetPoint(
  Device* pDev,
  Pos_t x,
  Pos_t y)
  return pDev->pDevProp->pfnDrawPoint(x,y,1);

* Function Name  : ClearPoint
* Description    : Clear a point at specify position
* Input          : Device*          device
*                  Pos_t            x location
*                  Pos_t            y location
* Output         : None
* Return         : End x position for the last character
unsigned long ClearPoint(
  Device* pDev,
  Pos_t x,
  Pos_t y)
  return pDev->pDevProp->pfnDrawPoint(x,y,0);