Files @ 577e97ae4dc1
Branch filter:

Location: therm/usb_conf.h

Ethan Zonca
Remove discovery includes. Should probably just include _conf.h or something instead.
  * @file    usb_conf.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V4.0.0
  * @date    21-January-2013
  * @brief   Virtual COM Port Demo configuration  header
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __USB_CONF_H
#define __USB_CONF_H

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/

/* EP_NUM */
/* defines how many endpoints are used by the device */

#define EP_NUM                          (4)

/* --------------   Buffer Description Table  -----------------*/
/* buffer table base address */
/* buffer table base address */
#define BTABLE_ADDRESS      (0x00)

/* EP0  */
/* rx/tx buffer base address */
#define ENDP0_RXADDR        (0x40)
#define ENDP0_TXADDR        (0x80)

/* EP1  */
/* tx buffer base address */
#define ENDP1_TXADDR        (0xC0)
#define ENDP2_TXADDR        (0x100)
#define ENDP3_RXADDR        (0x110)

/* -------------------   ISTR events  -------------------------*/
/* IMR_MSK */
/* mask defining which events has to be handled */
/* by the device application software */
                 | CNTR_ESOFM | CNTR_RESETM )

/*#define CTR_CALLBACK*/
/*#define DOVR_CALLBACK*/
/*#define ERR_CALLBACK*/
/*#define WKUP_CALLBACK*/
/*#define SUSP_CALLBACK*/
/*#define RESET_CALLBACK*/
/*#define SOF_CALLBACK*/
/*#define ESOF_CALLBACK*/
/* CTR service routines */
/* associated to defined endpoints */
/*#define  EP1_IN_Callback   NOP_Process*/
#define  EP2_IN_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP3_IN_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP4_IN_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP5_IN_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP6_IN_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP7_IN_Callback   NOP_Process

#define  EP1_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP2_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process
/*#define  EP3_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process*/
#define  EP4_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP5_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP6_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process
#define  EP7_OUT_Callback   NOP_Process

#endif /* __USB_CONF_H */

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