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Location: therm/libraries/STM32F0xx_CPAL_Driver/src/stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_usercallback_template.c

Ethan Zonca
Prune old USB, add cube generated files
  * @file    stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_usercallback.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V1.2.0
  * @date    24-July-2014
  * @brief   This file provides all the CPAL UserCallback functions.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal.h"

/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/

                     CPAL User Callbacks implementations 

/*=========== Timeout UserCallback ===========*/

  * @brief  User callback that manages the Timeout error
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None.
uint32_t CPAL_TIMEOUT_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
  return CPAL_PASS;

/*=========== Transfer UserCallback ===========*/

  * @brief  Manages the End of Tx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct 
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_TXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages the End of Rx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_RXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages Tx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages Rx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_RX_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages the End of DMA Tx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMATXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages the Half of DMA Tx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMATXHT_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages Error of DMA Tx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMATXTE_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages the End of DMA Rx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMARXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages the Half of DMA Rx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMARXHT_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  Manages Error of DMA Rx transfer event
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DMARXTE_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


/*=========== Error UserCallback ===========*/

  * @brief  User callback that manages the I2C device errors
  * @note   Make sure that the define USE_SINGLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is uncommented in
  *         the cpal_conf.h file, otherwise this callback will not be functional
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @param  DeviceError
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_ERR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance, uint32_t DeviceError)


  * @brief  User callback that manages BERR I2C device errors
  * @note   Make sure that the define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is uncommented in
  *         the cpal_conf.h file, otherwise this callback will not be functional
  * @param  pDevInstance
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)


  * @brief  User callback that manages ARLO I2C device errors
  * @note   Make sure that the define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is uncommented in
  *         the cpal_conf.h file, otherwise this callback will not be functional
  * @param  pDevInstance
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_ARLO_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)


  * @brief  User callback that manages OVR I2C device errors
  * @note   Make sure that the define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is uncommented in
  *         the cpal_conf.h file, otherwise this callback will not be functional
  * @param  pDevInstance
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_OVR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)


  * @brief  User callback that manages AF I2C device errors.
  * @note   Make sure that the define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is uncommented in
  *         the cpal_conf.h file, otherwise this callback will not be functional
  * @param  pDevInstance
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_AF_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)


/*=========== Addressing Mode UserCallback ===========*/

  * @brief  User callback that manage General Call Addressing mode
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_GENCALL_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


  * @brief  User callback that manage Dual Address Addressing mode
  * @param  pDevInitStruct
  * @retval None
/*void CPAL_I2C_DUALF_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)


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